Funny Quotes Funny Attention Span Quotes

Attention Span Quotes

I have an attention span that's as long as it has to be Picture Quote #1

I've always had a bad attention span Picture Quote #1

I've got the attention span of a child Picture Quote #1

I don't have much of an attention span for TV - I nod off during the basketball playoffs - but when I watch 'Game of Thrones' on On Demand, I'm glued to the set. It's mystical and addictive. Tyrion Lannister, that's my man Picture Quote #1

I have the attention span of a 2-year-old. I like to jump from project-to-project Picture Quote #1

On every Bright Eyes record, there's some kind of sound collage that begins it. Some of them have dialogue, some don't. I like it because it can kind of slow down the attention span a bit. It's a way to draw you in to the rest of the record Picture Quote #1

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Don't look back you're not going that way

I think we have the attention span of a gnat. You know, with cell phones and Twitter Picture Quote #1

It's not our fault our generation has short attention spans, Dad. We watch an appalling amount of TV Picture Quote #1

My attention span is all over the place, and I overthink things. I'm an insomniac Picture Quote #1

Plus the public's attention span is so short right now, if a skater doesn't strike while the iron is hot... well it's not like people will forget you, but they just won't care anymore Picture Quote #1

Being close to nature, in general, helps boost a child's attention span Picture Quote #1

I guess I have a short attention span! I'm interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges Picture Quote #1

I told you I'll be ready in FIVE minutes, stop calling me every half hour
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Do you know why language manifests itself the way it does in my work? It's because I understand short attention spans Picture Quote #1

Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They're only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar Picture Quote #1

I'm not someone who has a lengthy attention span, and that applies to my exercise routine as well Picture Quote #1

The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you're trying to tell them Picture Quote #1

I'm the perfect kind of personality for making YouTube videos. I deal in short attention span theater. I do wild things Picture Quote #1

I can sketch up a storm, and I'm very involved in how clothes are constructed, but I have a short attention span Picture Quote #1

Together is my favorite place to be
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work

I'm not really one for reading books. I have a very poor attention span. I'd rather listen to music, play games or watch films on my iPad Picture Quote #1

My laziness is really profound. I'm really interested in where it comes from - it almost feels chemical. And we've all got ADD now, short attention span and all that Picture Quote #1

Pat Moynihan could write books with one hand and legislate with the other. I can't; I have a short attention span. The slightest distraction would take me away from writing Picture Quote #1

Civilization's shortening attention span is mismatched with the pace of environmental problems Picture Quote #1

I'd have a longer attention span if there weren't so many shiny things Picture Quote #1

I'm terrible at reading fiction. I don't have the attention span - it's awful Picture Quote #1

A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why

You don't pay attention man/that's why your money is the size of your attention span Picture Quote #1

I didn't care for beat reporting, covering the same thing day after day - short attention span Picture Quote #1

While I was an addict, I didn't write anything. I didn't have the attention span or the will Picture Quote #1

I'm usually two projects ahead. It's hard for me because I don't have a really long attention span Picture Quote #1

We don't really even know how the Internet and technology are changing us, or our brains and our attention span Picture Quote #1

I think Trump's attention span is super low. I don't think he has the expertise to actually run a foreign policy Picture Quote #1

Text Quotes

I have an attention span that's as long as it has to be(Attention Span Quotes) I've always had a bad attention span(Attention Span Quotes) I've got the attention span of a child(Attention Span Quotes) I don't have much of an attention span for TV - I nod off during the basketball playoffs - but when I watch 'Game of Thrones' on On Demand, I'm glued to the set. It's mystical and addictive. Tyrion Lannister, that's my man(Attention Span Quotes) I have the attention span of a 2-year-old. I like to jump from project-to-project(Attention Span Quotes) On every Bright Eyes record, there's some kind of sound collage that begins it. Some of them have dialogue, some don't. I like it because it can kind of slow down the attention span a bit. It's a way to draw you in to the rest of the record(Attention Span Quotes) I think we have the attention span of a gnat. You know, with cell phones and Twitter(Attention Span Quotes) It's not our fault our generation has short attention spans, Dad. We watch an appalling amount of TV(Attention Span Quotes) My attention span is all over the place, and I overthink things. I'm an insomniac.(Attention Span Quotes) Plus the public's attention span is so short right now, if a skater doesn't strike while the iron is hot... well it's not like people will forget you, but they just won't care anymore.(Attention Span Quotes) Being close to nature, in general, helps boost a child's attention span(Attention Span Quotes) I guess I have a short attention span! I'm interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.(Attention Span Quotes) Do you know why language manifests itself the way it does in my work? It's because I understand short attention spans.(Attention Span Quotes) Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They're only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar.(Attention Span Quotes) I'm not someone who has a lengthy attention span, and that applies to my exercise routine as well.(Attention Span Quotes) The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you're trying to tell them.(Attention Span Quotes) I'm the perfect kind of personality for making YouTube videos. I deal in short attention span theater. I do wild things.(Attention Span Quotes) I can sketch up a storm, and I'm very involved in how clothes are constructed, but I have a short attention span.(Attention Span Quotes) I'm not really one for reading books. I have a very poor attention span. I'd rather listen to music, play games or watch films on my iPad.(Attention Span Quotes) My laziness is really profound. I'm really interested in where it comes from - it almost feels chemical. And we've all got ADD now, short attention span and all that.(Attention Span Quotes) Pat Moynihan could write books with one hand and legislate with the other. I can't; I have a short attention span. The slightest distraction would take me away from writing.(Attention Span Quotes) Civilization's shortening attention span is mismatched with the pace of environmental problems(Attention Span Quotes) I'd have a longer attention span if there weren't so many shiny things(Attention Span Quotes) I'm terrible at reading fiction. I don't have the attention span - it's awful.(Attention Span Quotes) You don't pay attention man/that's why your money is the size of your attention span(Attention Span Quotes) I didn't care for beat reporting, covering the same thing day after day - short attention span(Attention Span Quotes) While I was an addict, I didn't write anything. I didn't have the attention span or the will.(Attention Span Quotes) I'm usually two projects ahead. It's hard for me because I don't have a really long attention span.(Attention Span Quotes) We don't really even know how the Internet and technology are changing us, or our brains and our attention span.(Attention Span Quotes) I think Trump's attention span is super low. I don't think he has the expertise to actually run a foreign policy.(Attention Span Quotes)


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