Countries Where You Can Easy Get Permanent Residency

US is laden with inspiring stories of successful people and these folks  are now planning on relocating due to Trump's impending presidency, it's only natural to wonder where to go. Shifting permanently to a country you aren't born in is a difficult task. However, there are some countrieswhich offer free citizenshipeasy work permit countries for indian andpermanent residency compared to other countries.

Take a look at this list of theeasiest country to migrate from india

1. Belize


Image Credit: The Real Estate Guys Radio Show

This country, based on the eastern coast of Central America, allows a person to become a permanent resident only if they've stayed in the country for five years. The willing citizen must have a bank balance of $2000 a month to prove that they can live up to the country's lifestyle. The only reason one cannot apply for citizenship is if either of one's parents is a citizen of a country at war with Belize.

2. Ecuador


Image Credit: ecuadortoursandtravels

To become an Ecuadorian, you need only $1000 and a clean criminal record. Moreover, one can only be out of the country for 90 days in a span of 3 years. The applicant also has to show $800 per month income, invest $25000 in a CD from an Ecuadorian bank, or invest $25000 in real estate.

3. Seychelles


Image Credit: tripadvisor

Getting a residency permit in Seychelles is a bit expensive as it costs 12,500 USD (150,000 Seychelles rupees) for each person. Also, there is a condition that says a hopeful resident must explore opportunities for contributing to the economic, social or cultural life of Seychelles.

4. Panama


Image Credit: foundtheworld

After clearing medical tests and living in the country for 5 years, Panama issues a permanent residency certificate which is renewable after 5 years. Additionally, a legal, valid marriage to a Panama citizen can lead to permanent residency. Moreover, if you are a citizen from one of the 50 friendly nations listed below and wish to relocate to Panama in order to conduct economic or professional business activities, you are eligible for a fast track permanent residency program: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein,  Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Marino, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States of America, Uruguay, United Kingdom (Great Britain & Northern Ireland).

5. Paraguay


Image Credit: atlas&boots

You can call Paraguay home after you deposit $5,200 in a Paraguayan bank account. It is after a wait of three years that residents can apply for citizenship, which then goes for an approval for a year.

6. Macedonia


Image Credit: rotaractclub

The Balkan nation offers the best of both worlds as it will give you the benefits of Europe and a visa-free access to the Schengen Area. If you're an entrepreneur and are willing to invest at least 400,000 euros, you can become a Macedonian citizen in less than a year.

7. Hungary


Image Credit: emirates

Hungary, like Macedonia, provides a residence permit if the investor is willing to make an investment in Hungarian Government Bonds. The quantum of investment is a minimum of 300,000 Euros. Once you pay the money, you can get a permanent residence permit within 2 months.

8. Dominican Republic


Image Credit: Planetware

DR can offer citizenship in as little as two years. You can speed up the process by investing $200,000 in real estate or a business. Apart from that, you also have to show a steady income.

9. Russia


Image Credit: moscowtimes

The citizenship of Russia is regulated by the Federal Act regarding citizenship of the Russian Federation (of 2002, with the amendments of 2003, 2004, 2006). In Russia, you've got to pay tax to become a citizen. You also need to learn Russian and pass the language test to get Russian citizenship.


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